Eco interior Trends for Pets #3 // Bowls & feeders


Kitten in wooden bowl

The market for pet accessories is growing more innovative, stylish and eco. Nowhere more than in the design of pet bowls and feeders. ally & kat has found these latest trends for you.

Feeding for example.In senior or infirm pets arthritis and weakness in the spins and legs can make bending down or standing to eat exhausting, stressful and painful. Raised bowls offer assistance and relief from discomfort. Stylish and Eco solutions are available such as the handmade designs shown from Scottish artisan Lola and Daisy Designs; pet and environmentally friendly, nade from formica, laminate, wood and stainless steel  - even the PVA glue is non toxic. The etsy store offers a choice of colours and finishes but the Kinross based company makes to order to match both needs and interiors.

UK made raised Pet feeder
Large Angled Red & White raised dog bowls. From £49.95 + shipping  

Large / X-Large Cherrywood Raised Dog Bowl Holder
XL Cherrywood raised dog bowl. From £54.95 + shipping 

Triple Bowl Cat / Dog Feeder
Triple feeder for cats and  toy dog breeds - suitable for dry, wet and water. From £54.95 + shipping

Mouse catnip pet toy

Cat with mouse toy

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