Is Cockapoo Ollie a designer dog or a mongrel?


Red Cockapoo dog relaxing  in the sunshine

There is no doubting the beauty and charm of Ollie or the pedigree of his parentage but is the Cockapoo, and other expensive hybrids, a designer dog or a mongrel? 

Red cockapoo dog in the long grass playing

According to the Oford English Dictionary the definition of mongrel is "Any animal resulting from the crossing of different breeds or types". So it would appear that Ollie is just a very cute mongrel. The Kennel Club have recently recognised  that these mongrels, mixed breeds or hybrids  are here to stay. Does this mean that they should be certified by the KC?  Although already allowed to compete at Crufts in the Agility and Companion Dog events could Ollie one day win Crufts Supreme Champion? Should he and his new buddies such as the Labradoodle and others pictured below be allowed the opportunity?  

          How about a Shiranian (Shih Tzu /Pomeranian)

Shiranian Shih Tzu Pomeranian cross breed dog ,   

Izzy at 6 months  Image source

or a Muggin (A Miniature Pinscher/Pug)?

Muggin Miniature Pinscher Pug cross breed dog

5 month old Herkey Image source

Or my favourite a Corkie ( Cocker Spaniel/Yorkshire Terrier)

Belle, the half Cocker Spaniel and half Yorkshire Terrier puppy (Corkie)

A full and extensive list of hybrid breeds compiled by the Designer Dog Kennel Club can be found here.

 The KC has campaigned for dog welfare and a return to pure breeds over the last decade because of concerns for health defects and cruelty. Docking tails and ears are now accepted as barbaric and unneccessary for the breed aesthetic in the show ring.  Have the KC been fighting a losing battle to return the criteria for a breed that resembles their original shape and features if we then choose to breed an alternative pet that will begin a new era of  genetic weaknesses. 

As adorable as Ollie and his ilk are, we cannot ignore that both Cocker Spaniels and Poodles for example are prone to suffer hip dysplasia. Are we not just convincing ourselves that our pups are Designer Pooches when they are just a mongrel with a hefty price tag. And if we want a hybrid should we not visit our local rescue centre. They don't come with certificates of parentage but the dogs there do come with a guarantee that you will be get value for money and a lifetime of  love and the knowledge that you saved a life, and gave a pet a deserving home. You may even be the lucky owner of a future Crufts Supreme Champion.

What do you think, Designer dogs or Mongrels leave your comments below  

or  if you have a Malchi or a Bullmation or maybe you have a City Terrier as my Mum used to call mongrels then please share your pics below. We would love to see them 

Ollies pics are from my personal collection.

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