These 10 examples prove that Cats are Magical!


Black cat with orange eyeson black background

Stop reading this if you are a cat owner who doesn't believe that cats are magical. 
I bet you are all still here!

Cats have powers. Just look into a cat's eyes, you are looking into eons of culture and history, stretching back to when Egyptians revered them as Gods. Consider the mystery of cats as familiars of witches and warlocks as a symbol of  magic and don't forget superstition and  the luck of  black cats. 

And what's with the nine lives thing?

I had a cat that had the power of  invisibility... Kimba  could disappear in the blink of an eye without a sound  -  even when I was watching her. 

Here are 10 signs that cats are magical

1. Your cat apparently survives on fresh air. They haven't eaten any food you give them but they have still put on weight. 

2. You left them in the kitchen and closed all the doors when you went to bed ... but your cat still manages to be sleeping on your head by 5am in the morning.  

3. The nine lives thing. 

4. The falling on their feet thing.

5. They can run vertically up the wall, curtains and blinds. (Although they may have trouble getting down) 

Funny pic of cat caught in venetian blinds
Need a bit of help here.
Image source 

6. They know exactly where to grab you on the inner thigh to make you beg for mercy and give them whatever they want. 

7.  You don't remember actually getting a cat but one has been lying around the house for the last 10 years. (You looked into its eyes the first time you saw it, didn't you?)

8. They can take on opponents  many times their size and strength. 

9. You haven't seen a spider since the cat moved in.  

Funny pic of cat in spiderman super hero costume
Image source 

10. Look at a unicorn butterfly rainbow kitten and tell me that isn't magical!

Composite of a multi colour cat butterfly wings unicorn horn

 For reference : Black cat  Image Source 

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