Did you really pick the best name for your pet?


We all want to be original. We all want to give our pets names that reflect their personality but is "Here, Fluffbutt The Third" really what you want to be shouting at 3am in the morning?

Naming our dogs took a few days. When we collected Ally I dabbled with a few' trying them out while in the park to guage reactions from other dog owners. Was it cool enough, did I sound deluded and get strange looks and shrugs when I mentioned them, did Ally look as if she was embarrased to be associated with the moniker? Yes to quite a few of my choices.  All considerations aside though ultimately the pup's personality usually decides the name.
Ally stands for Alucard, "Dracula"  backwards and was the perfect  name for our little energy vampire. For the first 2 weeks her whining and howling every time I attempted to leave her out of view was sapping my will to live and our neighbours patience. Yep Alucard was very appropriate and so Ally it was.
Kat on the other hand had the opposite personality. She was almost invisible around the house, always tucked away in the garden under a bush or behind a chair. She was more cat by nature than dog so Kat she became.

Now Ally & Kat were not names without problems and the funniest occasion was a simple phone call to book their first vet appointment.  It went like this ...

me: "Hello, I'd like to book my dogs Ally and Kat in for a check up please."
vet: "So you have  a dog and a cat to book in for a check up ?"
me: "No I have two dogs."
vet: "What about the cat?"
me: " I have two dogs, Ally and Kat"
vet :"So check ups for two dogs and do you want to arrange one for the cat later?"
me; "I don't have a cat. I have a dog named Kat!"
vet: "Sooo... no check up for the cat?"

Black and white Lhasa Apso , Blond/Blonds Lhasa Apso both female
Ally & Kat (Kat is the blonde). Image Source - Authors personal pics. 

The Vet became a family friend and a great comfort when Kat eventually passed in my arms 7 years later. Always a gentle, gracious dog with the personality of the MOST  beautiful Kitty Kat that there ever was.

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